Film: Murderball

Cast includes: Team USA Quad Rugby Team
Genre: Documentary

In brief: On the eve of the 2003 Paralympic games in Stockholm, Joe, a coach and former player for the US quadriplegic rugby team, was disqualified. He was so angry that he committed treason by becoming the coach for the Canadian team… taking all his knowledge of the American’s game strategies with him. For the first time in Paralympic’s 11-year history, Team USA came in second instead of first. Totally shattered, Team USA starts their yearlong struggle to get ready for Athens in 2004 and regain their dominance in quad rugby, aka “murderball.”

If you think you might need a box of Kleenex for a film about quadriplegics, don’t bother. These athletes are about as aggressive and macho as any bunch of guys you’ll ever meet. Through this documentary, you’ll live with the team, their friends and families for a year. You’ll learn everything about them, on the court… and off… how they became quadriplegics and how they learned to deal with their many challenges. You’ll even get an answer to the one question everyone wants to know, but no one wants to ask… what about s-e-x? This movie isn’t R rated for nothing.

popcorn rating

2 popped kernels

Popped kernels for showing us an interesting sub-culture most of us know nothing about.

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